Winter-Spring 2024

Robot Design Studio

Led a class of students to develop a finger/thumb gripper with wearable haptic interface to conduct chemistry experiements within a hazardous hotbox environment.

Skills: Project Management, Leadership, Mechatronics, Teaching, Machining, Mechanical Design, Robot Design

Winter 2024

Omnid MoCoBots

Led a team of students to rebuild and improve the Omnid Mocobots for the MARS 2024 Conference hosted by Jeff Bezos.

Skills: Robot Design, Project Management, Circuit Design, Electrical Engineering

Fall 2022


Created and tested new feet designs on the Robotis OP3 Robot to compare the efficiency of flat footed walking and human-like gaits.

Skills: CAD Design, ROS, Gait Dynamics, Bio-inspired Engineering

Summer 2022

QUIX ExoHaptics

I created a haptic feedback system for the IHMC's Exoskeleton for Paraplegia.

Skills: Mechatronics, Embedded System Integration, Design, Exoskeleton, Haptic Perception, Arduino, Serial Communication

Winter 2022

Shear Haptics

I created handheld haptic controllers for virtual reality and created a VR environment in Unity to demonstrate the devices.

Skills: Unity, CAD Design, VR, Haptic Perception, Serial Communication, Arduino

Fall 2021


I controlled a ball on a whiteboard using a Franka Panda Robot. This is a ROS project was developed as part of ME495 - Embedded Systems in Robotics course at Northwestern University.

Skills: ROS, PD Control, Python, Computer Vision, Motion Planning,


Humanoid Robot Feet

I researched and designed feet for the NADIA robot, a hydraulic powered humanoid robot in development at The Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC).

Skills: CAD, Manufacturing, Research, Design, Testing

Winter-Spring 2019

BBall Bot

My team designed a robot to shoot basketballs as part of a senior design competition at Purdue University.

Skills: Design, Pneumatics, CAD

Fall 2021

Impact Physics Simulator

I used Python and jupyter to code the dynamics and simulation of a dice bouncing in a cup.

Skills: Python, Jupyter, Lagrangian Dynamics

Fall 2021

Robotic Manipulator Path Planning.

I created a python code to generate the joint trajectories of a Kuka robot to pick and place objects from simple input parameters.

Skills: Path Planning, Robot arm manipulation, Python, CoppeliaSim